Exhibition "Blue Lagoon" by Zeljka Aleksic at Gallery of Dom Omladine Belgrade
March 13, 2021 | Ivana NedeljkovićŽeljka Aleksić's multimedia exhibition deals with the relations between the presentation of the working class and its manifestation through artistic expression. Having in mind the correlation between socially established stigmas, which par excellence are in the position of political discourse and art that recontextualizes reality, the exhibition "Blue Lagoon" highlights the issues of social class and its position over time.

About the artist:
Opening date: 9th March
Closing date: 26th March
Location: Gallery of DOB, Makedonska 22 Street (Belgrade, Serbia)
The programs in the Belgrade Youth Center are held with the application of all coronavirus protection measures determined by professional services, and they refer to disinfection, wearing protective masks, as well as the maximum number of visitors and maintaining the planned physical distance in the audience. We ask visitors to strictly respect the prescribed measures and to be responsible towards themselves and others. The opening ceremony of exhibitions and group visits will not be in the coming period, the DOB Gallery is open for individual visits.
Belgrade Youth Center Gallery (Galerija Doma Omladine Beograda)
Opening hours: Tuesday-Saturday from 12:00 to 21:00;
Sunday from 12:00 to 18:00; on Mondays the Gallery is closed.